Compensation for loss of earnings
Loss of earnings
An application for compensation for loss of earnings is possible for Hesse at Only online applications will be accepted. Paper applications submitted after 15 April 2021 will be returned (section 56 para. 11 p. 2 IfSG i.V.m. Paragraph 2, Paragraph 2 of the (Hessian) Ordinance on the Determination of Responsibilities in the Field of the Infection Protection Act for the Control of the Corona Virus (IfSG-ZustV)). Exceptions to this only apply to applications according to paragraph 56, section 4 and paragraph 58 IfSG (see paragraphs 6 and 7 of our information sheet).
Loss of earnings can be compensated under the following conditions:
- In the case of quarantine measures ordered for employees by the health authorities or another competent body, the state of Hesse is obliged to compensate employers for any loss of earnings (section 56, paragraph 1 and section 66 IfSG). Self-employed persons may submit their own application.
- In the event of the closure of schools and kindergartens or other childcare facilities, if the other legal requirements are met, loss of earnings can be paid in accordance with section 56, paragraph 1a IfSG for periods from 30 March for the care of children under twelve years of age for up to ten weeks per parent. Single parents are entitled to reimbursement of loss of earnings for up to 20 weeks. The age limit does not apply to children who are dependent on assistance due to a disability.
Tel. 05631 954-3006, -3008, -3009