Integration courses
Integration courses
There are different integration courses. A general integration course consists of 700 teaching hours, of which 600 are language lessons and 100 are orientation lessons. The orientation course imparts knowledge about the legal system, culture and recent history of Germany. Special integration courses, for example for women, young people, parents as well as for migrants with literacy needs or for so-called second language learners, are offered with 1,000 teaching units (900 UE and 100 UE orientation course). The integration course concludes with the examinations Deutschtest für Zuwanderer (DTZ) and Leben in Deutschland (LiD).
The Job Centre or the Aliens' Registration Office can oblige people to attend an integration course. If you are not obliged but would like to attend an integration course, you can apply for one at the BAMF. The completed document must then be sent by post to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Department 53i, Ursulum 20, 35396 Gießen.
What are DeuFöV courses?
A DeuFöV course is a vocational language course. This course can be attended after an integration course, for example. DeuFöV courses are intended to support participants in acquiring and deepening job-related German skills. To participate in a vocational language course, you need an entitlement or obligation. This can be obtained either from the Job Centre, the Employment Agency or by application to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).
Integration course provider:
USB - Union Language and Education Ltd.
Contact persons:
Ayse Türen and Sybille Schweizer
Tel. 05631 - 5026431
Opening and counselling hours :- Tuesdays to Thursdays, 8.30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
vhs - District Adult Education Centre
Contact person:
Lara Kurzrock
Tel.: 05631 - 9773 15
E-mail: kurzrock@vhs-waldeck-frankenberg.deOpening and counselling hours:
- Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 to 11.30 a.m. in Korbach
- Tuesdays, 9 to 11.30 a.m. in Frankenberg
DELTA Waldeck-Frankenberg GmbH
Contact person:
Änne Vetterlein
Tel.: 0152-33906679
E-mail: a.vetterlein@delta-wa-fkb.deChildcare is available here during the integration courses.
BZH - Training Centre for Trade and Services
Contact persons:
Sabrina Neumann (for Korbach and Frankenberg)
Tel: 06421 - 48066500
E-mail: neumann@bz24.deSylvia Mamat (for Bad Wildungen)
Tel: 05621 - 2756
E-mail: mamat@bz24.deJohanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.
Contact persons:
Marvin Glagow
Phone: 05619 4043852 or 0170-7249340
E-mail: sprachkurse.kurhessen@johanniter.deOpening and counselling hours:
- Available by telephone between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., counselling appointments in Korbach by appointment