Immediate help in case of rape

Immediate help after rape

For many victims, reporting a rape to the police is not an option or they do not feel able to make this decision for the time being. Therefore, they often do not turn to the police and often remain under-medicated because they fear being pressured into reporting. This can result in considerable health consequences and psychological stress.

In the Waldeck-Frankenberg district, victims can receive medical care after a rape without reporting it to the police. Therefore, care WITH forensic evidence as well as WITHOUT forensic evidence is possible. Medical confidentiality applies.

After a rape, there is the possibility of acute medical care at the district hospital in Frankenberg. The examination and medical care are free of charge. If the victim wishes to have the traces preserved, this is also done free of charge. The secured traces are kept for one year in the forensic medicine department in Gießen. For minors, the one-year storage period begins at the age of 18. If the person concerned decides to press charges during this period, the evidence can then be used by the police. If no charges are filed, the material is destroyed after one year.

In order to be treated optimally, it is strongly recommended that contact be made as described on the homepage Affected persons are asked to obtain information there and then visit the clinic.