T*räumchen consultation hour

T*räumchen consultation hour

The T*räumchen mobil team offers an open consultation hour every 1st Thursday of the month in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district. T*räumchen mobil is available to all people who have questions about gender and sexual diversity and creates space for encounters, empowerment, counselling, exchange, support and further training.

The counselling service is aimed at:

  • Queer people
  • trans*, inter*, a-gender and non-binary people
  • all people who have questions about gender identity
  • Affiliated and associated companies
  • Specialist staff, teams and multipliers in associations, institutions and authorities, for counselling, further training and support in the development of new or expanded concepts

Counselling is confidential, anonymous if desired and open-ended.


You can find the counselling service here:

Lengefelder Straße 6, 34497 Korbach, Please ring the bell at "DreiRaum"