Information offers
Information offers
The visibility of queer diversity has increased significantly in recent years. This is encouraging, but is often accompanied by many questions, uncertainties and a great need for information in the various contexts.
Information on the Self-Determination Act, the dgti supplementary pass and more can be found here.
Information on the Self-Determination Act
Since 1 November 2024, trans*, inter and non-binary people have been able to change their first name and gender entry themselves. The change of gender entry must be registered with the registry office three months in advance. After that, the gender and first name previously entered in the birth or marriage register can be changed by making a simple declaration to the registry office.
How can I submit my application?
The registry offices have different procedures. Ask your registry office how it is handled there.
Special features for minors
Under 14 years of age:
- The declaration must be made by the legal representatives.
- In addition, it must be ensured that counselling has taken place.
Over 14 years old:
- Declaration can be made by young people themselves.
- In addition, it must be ensured that counselling has taken place.
- Consent of the legal representatives is required for amendment.
Step-by-step instructions:
dgti supplementary pass
The dgti supplementary ID card is a standardised ID document that documents your self-chosen personal data such as first name, pronoun and gender and contains a current passport photo. This document is already recognised by many authorities, banks, insurance companies, universities, the police and the ministries of the interior. For places where it is not yet recognised, a practical QR code on the ID card provides further information.
For whom does it make sense?
- Trans*people before official name/status change
- Trans*young people whose parents do not support a change of name/personal status
- People who want to avoid discrimination or unpleasant enquiries
Can be ordered at: