light beech forest with tufts of grass and moss in the foreground

Integrated climate protection concept

Climate protection strategy

The district of Waldeck-Frankenberg is pursuing comprehensive goals and measures to combat climate change.

Climate protection concept

The district's climate protection concept forms the basis for a systematic and targeted approach on the road to climate neutrality. It defines specific goals and interim goals that are to be achieved with the help of targeted measures. The overarching goal is to make the administration climate-neutral by 2035 and to achieve climate neutrality for the entire district by 2037. This concept sets clear milestones and the district is working continuously to effectively realise the climate targets.

Structure of the climate protection concept

  • Greenhouse gas balance

    The greenhouse gas balance sheet documents the region's current emissions and forms the basis for all further measures. By recording the emissions in detail, it is possible to specifically identify where the greatest savings potential exists.

  • Potential analysis

    The potential analysis analyses how much CO2 savings can be achieved through various measures to reduce greenhouse gases. The available options and resources are evaluated in order to find out which approaches are most effective in reducing climate pollution.

  • Scenario development

    In scenario development, different future scenarios are created and analysed in order to assess the potential impact of measures under different conditions. These scenarios make it possible to compare different possible courses of action and review the long-term effectiveness of the planned measures.

  • Catalogue of objectives and measures

    The catalogue of targets and measures includes specific targets and describes the steps required to achieve these targets. It contains timetables, responsibilities and detailed measures for the effective implementation of the climate targets. The catalogue thus serves as a comprehensive instrument for monitoring progress and ensuring the coordinated and targeted implementation of all necessary measures.

  • Consolidation, controlling and communication strategy

    Strategies for the continuous monitoring and adjustment of measures are developed to ensure the successful implementation of the concept and the achievement of the targets set. Controlling monitors progress and ensures that the targets are met. The communication strategy informs the public about successes and developments in order to ensure transparency and encourage support.

Greenhouse gas balance

The district's first greenhouse gas balance sheet was published in 2024 and covers the years 2019 to 2021. This balance sheet serves as a basis for comparison and makes it possible to visualise progress towards climate neutrality. It was prepared in accordance with the BISKO municipal accounting system, which represents a uniform standard for calculating municipal greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Greenhouse gas balance for the year 2021

    The greenhouse gas balance for Waldeck-Frankenberg is based on the final energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, which were calculated using specific emission factors for the respective energy sources for the household, industry, commercial trade services, transport and municipal facilities sectors. Non-energy-related emissions from agriculture, land use and forestry are also taken into account.

    In 2021, around 1.6 million tonnes of CO2 were emitted in the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg. This corresponds to around 10.2 tonnes of CO2e, which is above the national average of 9.0 tonnes. More detailed information on the greenhouse gas balance and the climate protection concept can be found in the download area on the right.


The district of Waldeck-Frankenberg is taking various measures to achieve its climate targets and promote climate protection. These measures cover a wide range of areas and are designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable development. The drop-down menu provides detailed information on the specific fields of action in which active work is being carried out.

Further information on the measures can be found under "Current projects" or in the download area of the climate protection plan and in the catalogue of measures in the climate protection concept.

  • Greenhouse gas-neutral district administration

    The district of Waldeck-Frankenberg is endeavouring to make its administration greenhouse gas-neutral by 2035. This includes the energy-efficient refurbishment of properties, the electrification of the vehicle fleet and the implementation of sustainable procurement processes.

  • Authorities and politics

    Climate protection is being integrated into the administrative structures of the district. This includes the establishment of a central contact point for climate protection and the promotion of inter-municipal cooperation.

  • Mobility

    Mobility in the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg is being organised in a climate-friendly way. The central goal is to promote climate-friendly everyday transport.

  • Energy supply

    Energy supply is responsible for a large proportion of emissions in the district. For this reason, the focus is on sustainable and climate-friendly energy and heat supply.

  • Households

    One focus is on increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in households. The aim is to promote decentralised energy production and help reduce energy requirements.

  • Economy

    Sustainable management is actively promoted. Companies are supported in increasing their energy efficiency and the regional circular economy is strengthened.

  • Education and motivation

    The district is focussing on raising awareness of climate protection. Climate education, information events and the promotion of civil society projects are intended to actively involve citizens and encourage them to participate in climate protection.

  • Agriculture and forestry

    Forestry in the district is being made more sustainable through more sustainable management and reforestation projects. Climate-friendly agricultural practices are supported, regional marketing is promoted and the protection and restoration of moors is promoted.