Social affairs
Social affairs
The Social Affairs Department is in charge of tasks such as assistance for subsistence, means-tested basic benefits in old age and in case of reduced earning capacity, assistance for long-term care and integration assistance for the disabled. Furthermore, the housing allowance office is affiliated to the department, which approves support for low-income tenants and homeowners according to the Housing Allowance Act.
The accommodation, care and support of ethnic German repatriates and foreign refugees in shared accommodation is just as much a part of its tasks as the granting of benefits according to the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act - from the care of asylum seekers to Jewish emigrants and civil war refugees.
Note on hardship assistance for energy costs
Hessian households that were affected by the sharp rise in energy costs in 2022 will also be able to apply for hardship assistance from the beginning of May at the latest. The Darmstadt Regional Council is responsible for hardship assistance. Contact details and further information can be found on the website of the State of Hesse.

Ukraine war: Waldeck-Frankenberg helps!
Since the Russian attack on Ukraine, the Waldeck-Frankenberg district has been providing humanitarian aid to people from the war-torn region. Here you can find more information.

Intercultural Week
Since 2020, the Intercultural Week in Waldeck-Frankenberg has been coordinated in cooperation with the Network for Tolerance. Every year it is organised together with a different partner town.
Social Award Ceremony
Promoting the common good, recognising social commitment: At regular intervals, the district awards a prize for social commitment.
Model region inclusion
Removing barriers, promoting participation: The district is a model region for inclusive projects - and actively promotes participation for all people in Waldeck-Frankenberg.