Schools and education
Schools & Education
The structure of the district is characterised by small primary schools, primary, lower secondary and intermediate schools, the so-called middle schools, four classical grammar schools, two cooperative and one integrated comprehensive school, six public special schools and two vocational schools, one of which has a vocational grammar school. The Schools and Education Department is the school authority and responsible for all school planning matters such as school development, school organisation, pupil transport, school districts, school construction and school room programmes.
In addition, the specialised service is responsible for ensuring care and all-day services for a reliable school, school social work, pro-occupational orientation and cooperation with other educational institutions such as the legally independent vocational schools, the Technical University of Central Hesse and the School & Business Working Group.
A special concern of the Schools and Education Department is to further develop the educational landscape of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district. The regional Hessencampus, projects in the field of vocational orientation and further education, but also the objectives of inclusion serve this purpose.

Digitisation of schools
Digitisation is an important building block in the education of children and young people. Therefore, the district is constantly pushing it forward with a cross-departmental team to enable digitally supported learning and teaching for pupils and teachers.
Schools in the district
In Waldeck-Frankenberg there are numerous locations for primary, secondary modern and intermediate schools, comprehensive and special schools, grammar schools and vocational schools.
School social work
Within the framework of school social work, the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg supports the people who work and learn in schools.
Pro career orientation
The "Pro Berufsorientierung" programme already offers a vocational orientation phase for young people in secondary schools at the school level.
Education for sustainable development
Think and act in a way that is fit for the future: This is the goal of the nationwide initiative "Education for Sustainable Development" - also in Waldeck-Frankenberg. The district actively supports schools in the district in implementing the sustainability strategy.
All-day offers
Pakt für den Nachmittag, care at primary schools or all-day schools: The district of Waldeck-Frankenberg offers numerous all-day care options for children and young people.