The choice is yours!

The choice is yours!

On 14 March, local elections will take place in Hesse. To mark the occasion, the Waldeck-Frankenberg Network for Tolerance has launched a video project entitled "You have the choice! In it, young people deal with topics related to the election - and explain them in short videos.

Luca-Sergio Wehner, who is co-responsible for youth work in the network, has had politically engaged and interested young people explain the local elections to him as a moderator. Among other things, the topics are voting age, postal votes and restrictions due to the Corona pandemic. But also cumulating and panashing and the determination of the final result will be addressed. In addition to the general conditions of local elections, the different bodies such as local councils, city and municipal parliaments and district councils will be presented.

Pupils, students, trainees and young people from the youth organisations of the political parties participated in the project. The result is lively and diverse videos that shed light on the basics of our democracy. The target group of this project are young first-time voters, but the clips can also convey interesting and new content for experienced voters.

From when can you vote?

Postal vote

Evaluation of the votes

Structure of the Parliament

Voting and ballot papers

Voter turnout