Online event on the topic of "Financially fit in retirement" on 27 March

The Women and Equal Opportunities Service of the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg, in cooperation with the Office for Civic Women's Work e.V., invites you to an online event on Thursday, 27 March 2025. From 6 - 7.30 p.m. on this day, the topic will be "Financially fit in retirement: A lecture on retirement provision especially for women". The speaker will be financial mentor Carmen Stephan, Frankfurt am Main. The lecture is aimed at women who would like to know how to invest money safely and build up a solid retirement provision in turbulent times.

This much is certain: for many women, the state pension is not enough in old age. Private provision is more important than ever. But what is the right pension provision for women? How can she find her way through the jungle of pension products and which other topics (survivors' pensions or taxes and social security contributions) should be taken into consideration? Participants in the presentation will be given an overview of the pension system in Germany, which goes far beyond the statutory pension. Topics include the three layers of pension provision, tax-saving options and how women can make the most of subsidies from their employer and the state. Participants also learn how they can build up a solid retirement provision with investment funds and exchange-traded funds.

The participation fee for the online lecture on 27 March 2025 is 10 euros. Registration is required and can be made by 18 March 2025 by email, by telephone on 05631 954 1318 or online.

