Specialised youth service in Frankenberg moves from Uferstraße back to the monastery
The division of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district office in Philipp-Soldan-Stadt for the specialist youth service has come to an end - from 11 March, all employees can once again be contacted at the Bahnhofstraße administrative office in the former St. Georgenberg monastery. There will be no change to the contact details; the employees will keep their e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. The Uferstraße location will then no longer be used by the district.
Since October 2019, four specialist areas of the Youth Service have been relocated to Uferstrasse (Sparkasse building). These were the two support services departments, the three guardianship departments, the two youth court assistance departments as part of the social services department and the five maintenance advance departments. All 12 caseworkers can now be visited again at the Bahnhofstrasse administrative office in the former monastery after an appointment has been made. Further information on the responsibilities of the Youth Department in Korbach and Frankenberg and the contact details of the employees can be found here.