Waldeck-Frankenberg district launches "Living social villages!" initiative
In order to strengthen social cohesion and sustainably improve the quality of life in the region, the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg has launched the "Living social villages!" initiative. The project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, aims to support local people to get in touch with each other and actively shape their environment together.
In concrete terms, this means supporting the creation or continuation of social meeting places that are open to all citizens for a wide range of activities. Residents should be encouraged to contribute their ideas and work together on projects that make life in their community more attractive.
Diverse meeting places
The meeting places can be diverse: "In my home village, for example, there is an old privately owned bakery. A group would like to revitalise the bakehouse so that they can bake bread themselves and together with others on a regular basis," reports Katharina Oberhofer-Ast, the project coordinator from the district's village and regional development department. The baking days are to be publicised so that everyone can come who either wants to bake themselves or simply enjoys the company. "This initiative opens up further opportunities. Perhaps at some point there will be a workshop on the topic of dough production or events that frame the baking day and much more. We can see that: Social places can be organised in very different ways."
District provides support through advice and networking
The district of Waldeck-Frankenberg would like to support people and initiatives that have ideas for further such social centres in Waldeck-Frankenberg. The village and regional development department offers help with the realisation of ideas, for example by networking with potential partners. It also provides support in the search for suitable funding opportunities and puts people in touch with the right contacts.
The aim is to revitalise and further develop rural areas through such projects. "The project should help to further improve the quality of life in our region and at the same time counteract the exodus from rural areas," emphasises District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst. "We invite all citizens to play an active role in shaping their social centres."
For further information, please contact Katharina Oberhofer-Ast on 05631 954 2181 or by e-mail and online.
The good life Living social villages! Specialist service for village and regional development