IHK hands over robots to the district media centre
Teaching children the basics of programming and robotics in a playful way: KUBO robots from Denmark make this possible. The regional assembly of the Kassel-Marburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) has invested over 4,000 euros to provide 14 of these robots for schools in Waldeck-Frankenberg. The chairman of the committee, Ralph Hübschmann (Hübschmann Aufzüge, Korbach), and the head of the IHK service centre in Korbach, Eduard Faber, presented the robots to the Waldeck-Frankenberg district media centre, represented by district administrator Jürgen van der Horst and media centre manager Alexander Emde, on Tuesday, 25 February. All schools in the district now have the opportunity to borrow them for lessons free of charge.
Low-threshold access to computer science and technology
In addition to the basic set, the Waldeck-Frankenberg Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce has financed three additional sets for each robot, which contain additional maths and programming tasks. With their simple operation, the KUBO robots promote logical thinking, problem-solving skills and independence. "This gives all children low-threshold access to computer science and technology," emphasises entrepreneur Ralph Hübschmann. "Such experiences awaken an interest in maths, computer science, natural sciences and technology (STEM) at an early age and contribute to attracting more young STEM talent to our district in the long term."
Promoting an understanding of digital technologies
"The robots are a sensible investment to teach children about programming in a fun way," says District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst. "This lays an important foundation for understanding digital technologies, which are playing an increasingly important role in many areas of life." The district's media centre will make the KUBO robots available to all schools free of charge for their lessons. "In this way, we want to ensure that all children can benefit from this modern learning technology," continued the district administrator. "We are delighted with the commitment of the IHK regional assembly and would like to thank them for purchasing the robots."
In order to deepen pupils' understanding of science and provide an initial introduction to STEM subjects, the IHK regional assembly financed the purchase of twelve climate cases last year. Using relatively simple structures from the climate cases, the acidification of the oceans, for example, can be simulated and thus better understood.
Schools can borrow equipment from the media centre free of charge
The KUBO robots and climate suitcases financed by the Waldeck-Frankenberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce regional assembly expand the range of products offered by the district's media centre. The centre offers various other exciting items for the district's schools, kindergartens and clubs. "These include Lego Spike programming sets, semi-professional video cameras with a green screen, modern Bluetooth boxes and high-performance projectors and much more," reports Alexander Emde, Head of the Media Centre. "The KUBO robots, cases and other media can be borrowed by schools from the district's media centre in Korbach and Frankenberg." The media centre also offers further training for teachers from Waldeck-Frankenberg in the field of media education and operates the Edupool as an online media library, where teachers can find over 13,000 selected films and work materials specifically for lessons.
Caption: The regional assembly of the Kassel-Marburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) supports the district's media centre with robotics equipment for playful learning: District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst (3rd from right), the head of the media centre Alexander Emde (2nd from left) and some children from the Humboldt School gratefully accepted the small robots from Ralph Hübschmann (right) and Eduard Faber (4th from left) from the IHK. (Photo: District of Waldeck-Frankenberg)
Waldeck-Frankenberg Media Centre Schools and Education Department