Guided tours: Geopark GrenzWelten launches new training course

Anyone who has always been interested in the face of the earth millions of years ago and would like to get other people interested in geology now has the opportunity to train as an expert in this field. This spring, the GrenzWelten National Geopark is once again offering a course to recruit new geopark guides. Starting in April, those interested will receive 120 hours of training over 12 months in everything they need to become excellent geological knowledge brokers.

Only a nominal fee of 100 euros is charged for participation in the training course. In return, participants receive a comprehensive insight into the history of the earth, are trained in rock and map science, visit mines such as the Kilianstollen in Marsberg and much more. They learn all kinds of exciting facts about fossils, dinosaurs, the ice age and volcanoes. The training makes them part of a comprehensive network of guides in the Geopark, as which they can take part in annual meetings to exchange experiences, receive further training opportunities and an expense allowance.

Geopark project office manager Dr Georg Bresser points out that regular participation in the course is required for successful training. By arrangement, the theory can also be taught digitally via online participation. However, one focus of the course is on practical training in the field. The GrenzWelten project office will be accepting registrations for the geopark guide training course until 31 March 2025 and would be delighted to see a high level of interest in the course.

Caption: Becoming part of a dedicated team of geological experts: The GrenzWelten National Geopark offers a 12-month training course. (Photo: private)


Geopark GrenzWelten Environmental and Climate Protection Service