Positive balance of the Domanium: 1.2 million euros to municipalities
The Waldeck Domanial Administration is pleased with the results for 2023. Despite the continuing challenges posed by climate change, the success of the adaptation strategies implemented in the Domanial Forest in recent years is evident. As a result, the Domanium's 2023 balance sheet is so positive that a profit of around 1.2 million euros can be distributed to the participating municipalities.
Sustainable reforestation, preserving the forest ecosystem
In the past, 90 per cent of the revenue generated by the Domanial administration came from the marketing of timber from Germany's largest municipal forest estate. In recent years, however, extreme weather events, droughts and the infestation of forests by bark beetles have contributed to a significant reduction in the supply of wood and therefore also in growth. This will lead to lower income opportunities from timber marketing in the future. In addition, Domanialverwaltung also has a responsibility to reforest the forests sustainably in order to grow a healthy forest for the future and preserve the forest ecosystem.
"The wet weather and the intensive processing of the bark beetle wood have fortunately led to a significant reduction in bark beetle damage to the spruce trees," reports Hendrik Block, Head of the Waldeck Domanial Administration. "This means that at least spruce stands have been preserved in some areas - even if it is also clear that the deciduous forests are also suffering greatly from the last few years of drought."
Higher income through new business areas
In order to continue to fulfil all tasks in the future, such as maintaining the castles or providing economic relief to the municipalities entitled to profits, the domanial administration has also been developing new business areas for several years and adapting its structures to future challenges. Over the years, significantly higher income has been generated in the real estate sector through the further development of rental, lease and licence agreements as well as new projects in the fields of renewable energies and tourism. The sale of eco-points as compensation under nature conservation law for construction projects has also developed.
Federal funding for climate-adapted forest management
The Domanial administration also receives federal funding as part of the "Climate-adapted forest management" programme. Over the next ten years, the Domanial administration will receive around 1.1 million euros per year for compliance with forest management criteria such as the predominant cultivation of climate-stable native tree species, the designation of areas for natural forest development and water retention measures in the forest. This funding will help to make the Domanial Forest fit for climate change and preserve the ecosystem.
"Thanks to this extensive package of measures, a surplus of 1.97 million euros was generated in 2023," reports District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst. "After the statutory allocation to the reserves, 1.2 million euros will be distributed to the municipalities entitled to profits." This will help to ease the burden on municipal budgets. This form of further development of the domanial administration is to be consistently continued in the future.