Digital ADHD exchange group meets for the first time in presence

Supported by the Waldeck-Frankenberg self-help contact centre, a digital exchange group is now becoming a self-help group that also meets in person. The topic of the group is ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). It is aimed at people who suffer from this disorder, as well as relatives of a child diagnosed or suspected of having ADHD. Other interested parties, e.g. from the education sector, are also welcome to join the self-help group. The first meeting in presence will take place on Saturday, 15 June 2024, from 6 p.m. in the parish hall on Kirchweg in Frankenberg-Viermünden.

People of all ages with ADHD face many challenges and hurdles in everyday life. However, these are often not visible to others. The new self-help group aims to create a space in which those affected feel seen and heard, where they can talk to others about the challenges and hurdles they face in everyday life. There are also plans to invite experts on the subject of ADHD to individual meetings so that group members can benefit from their knowledge in their everyday lives. The initiators, themselves sufferers and relatives, originally opened a digital exchange group via the messenger service WhatsApp, but would now also like to meet in person.

For organisational reasons, registration for the first meeting of the new ADHD self-help group is requested by Thursday, 13 June 2024, at the self-help contact point of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district, by e-mail at or by telephone on 05631 954-1888. The staff at the self-help contact point will also be happy to answer any questions about self-help in general.


Self-help specialist service Health