Youth employment agency organises symposium

How can young refugees be better supported in the transition from school to work? The joint youth employment agency of the Waldeck-Frankenberg and Schwalm-Eder districts organised a symposium on this topic in Bad Wildungen.

First District Councillor Karl-Friedrich Frese welcomed over 60 participants. The first presentation by Reinhold Gravelmann from Hanover focussed on the professional integration of young refugees. In a second presentation, Terhas Andezion from Kassel reported on how girls and young refugee women in particular can be better supported in the transition from school to work.

Individual support in the transition from school to work
The transition from school to work is difficult for many young people and young refugees in particular face special challenges: They have to overcome particular hurdles such as traumatic experiences of flight, language barriers, a lack of information about the German training and employment system, sometimes lengthy processes of recognition procedures or the difficulty of reconciling childcare and work. Close supervision and individual support are needed here. The Youth Employment Agency will continue to address many other issues in the transition from school to work in the future. The aim is to discuss problems together with all partners and develop further measures for young people.

The districts of Waldeck-Frankenberg and Schwalm-Eder have been working together in the youth employment agency since 2018 in a unique nationwide project under the motto "No young person should get lost". The two district administrations, the two job centres, the Korbach Employment Agency and the state education authority in Fritzlar work closely together. Further information about support options in the transition from school to work can be found on the Youth Employment Agency website .


Youth Employment Agency Social Affairs Department