One Billion Rising: District organises dance demo against violence

The district, TSV Korbach and the Soroptimist Club Korbach want to send out a visible signal against violence against women and girls and for equality - and are organising a dance demo in the pedestrian zone in Korbach's lowlands on 14 February at 4.30 pm. Dance workshops will be held on 20 January and 3 February to prepare for the event. Interested parties are cordially invited.

Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread human rights violations worldwide. According to studies, a woman in Germany is the victim of violence in her relationship every four and a half minutes. The global One Billion Rising campaign aims to draw attention to the issue, protest and send a clear signal. Every year, there is a day of action on 14 February.

The district's Women and Equal Opportunities Department also organises a campaign every year. This year, it will once again be a dance demo - together with the specialist service for sport and youth work, TSV Korbach and the Soroptimist Club Korbach. In keeping with the motto "Break the Chain", under which women dance around the world on this day, there will once again be an event in the pedestrian zone in the Korbach lowlands this year.

In preparation for the event, there will be a free dance workshop organised by TSV Korbach on 20 January and 3 February from 2 to 4 pm in the gym of the Westwallschule in Korbach. Anyone interested is welcome to take part, get to know the choreography and learn the dance steps so that they can join in the dance demo on 14 February. Registration is possible online or by e-mail to

"On the day of action, people stand up together against violence and the exploitation of women and girls and protest in favour of equal rights, self-determination and non-violent coexistence," says Miriam Drüppel, deputy women's representative for the district. "As part of the day of action, we want to create visibility for this issue and set an example against violence - especially gender-specific violence. We therefore look forward to welcoming many interested people who would like to take part in the campaign."

The action "One Billion Rising" (OBR) is a worldwide campaign for an end to violence against women and girls and for equality. With a lot of positive energy, the OBR protest action has succeeded in establishing itself as a symbol of global women's solidarity every year on 14 February.


Women and Equal Opportunities Service Events for women