Geopark works with "geowindow" teaching and learning medium

Natural sciences could quickly turn out to be a book with seven seals if there weren't readily used aids that make processes visible and thus much easier to understand. Test tubes in chemistry lessons, the microscope for biology or circuit diagrams in physics... they prevent the world of science from coming across as dry as dust. But what about the presentation of earth and environmental processes, in geology? Can they also be made visible experimentally with a teaching and learning medium?

The GrenzWelten National Geopark has found a clear "Yes!" answer to this question: the innovative geowindow, an exciting tool for physical geography that can also be easily used in the other natural sciences. Thanks to a grant of 4,500 euros from the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection from project funds for the promotion of environmental education and ESD (Education for Sustainable Development), the geowindow could be purchased as a teaching and learning medium. It is the first and only one to be used at GrenzWelten in Hessen.

District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst did not miss the opportunity to attend the training in person, where employees of the Geopark Project Office familiarised themselves with the application and possibilities of geowindow. He was able to see for himself that the funding was well spent. "Even at a quick glance, it is clear that the acquisition of this teaching and learning tool was worthwhile," he said, praising the initiative of Geopark project office manager Kim Peis and her fellow campaigners to use the geowindow. When knowledge transfer is as interactive and participatory as it is here, and children and young people can help shape the "lessons" themselves, there is a particularly high level of sustainability.

The geowindow can be actively used from 2024, both in the school context and in adult education. By then, all geopark guides, but also interested people from potential users such as national parks, nature parks or museums, should have been trained accordingly by the staff of the Geopark Project Office. Offers for schools and other users can be requested from the Geopark Project Office and the first dates for 2024 can already be arranged. Further information on the geowindow is also available from the project office.

Background "geowindow"
The geowindow is an analogue and innovative teaching and learning medium for visualising scientific processes. With it, numerous processes of our earth and nature can be made visible and thus experienced in a very small space, in a double-slice "window frame", with relatively few and simple materials.

Sand, Jell-O, water, coffee or flour - these and other materials can be used to recreate and experience plate tectonics, volcanism, water cycles, ocean currents and much more within the "window". In this way, participatory and sustainable learning takes place for young and old. Interested parties can get an impression by watching the videos at


Geopark GrenzWelten