Ice Age: New research booklet from the GrenzWelten Geopark

When you hear the term "Ice Age", you think of freezing cold, glaciers kilometres thick and icy white as far as the eye can see. The giant mammoths with their shaggy fur come to mind, and not only for children its cinematic representative Manfred and his four-legged friends Sid, the sloth, and Diego, the sabre-toothed tiger, from the animated series "Ice Age". It is common knowledge that traces of the Ice Age can still be found today - but can they also be found in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district? These and many other questions are answered in the new "Explorer's Booklet for Kids" from the GrenzWelten National Geopark.

As in the two research booklets on the history of the earth and the climate, it is Korbach's oldest inhabitant, "Urzeitdackel" Procy, who takes the young researchers on a journey of discovery. He accompanies the readers on the 28 pages of the brochure as they find out exactly what an ice age is and how it develops. Exciting to know: According to the definition, we are actually currently in an ice age phase on Earth! Together with their four-legged prehistoric companion, the young researchers also learn what the Geopark looked like during the last "real" ice age 18,000 years ago and where traces of it can still be found today.

With explanations in simple terms and lots of tips for excursions and experiments to do at home, the research booklet is the ideal medium for young and old Ice Age enthusiasts alike. However, curious adults and families with children and young people are not the only ones who will enjoy the booklet. The explorer booklet is also very suitable as a source of ideas for teachers who want to incorporate the topic into school lessons.

The "Ice Age" research booklet is now available free of charge from the Geopark project office and can be downloaded from the Infothek on the homepage. The research booklet on the history of the earth and the climate research booklet are of course also available free of charge. The project office will also be happy to provide further information on the possibilities of using Geopark topics in kindergarten or school lessons.


Environment and Climate Protection Department Geopark GrenzWelten