Geopark GrenzWelten presents events 2023

The 2023 calendar of events of the GrenzWelten National Geopark is hot off the press and available now. In the 2023 season, the wide range of events on offer will allow you to explore not only the geological secrets of the region, but also many other special features of nature and landscape.

The Geopark's events brochure can be obtained by telephone or e-mail from the project office, can be downloaded from the Geopark's homepage and is available at many information points such as tourist offices or museums. With its compact and foldable card format, the overview of almost 70 events fits comfortably in every pocket.

Certified Geopark guides help those interested to get to know the ten regions of the Geopark and their special features, including true geological, natural and landscape treasures, even better. In addition to geology and earth history, numerous topics from nature to culture, but also current topics such as the traces of climate change are on the programme and are brought closer in a vivid way.


Geopark GrenzWelten Events Environmental and Climate Protection Service