Construction of mobile phone masts in Haina and Hatzfeld to start in 2024

Making calls, sending messages, accessing the internet: a good and comprehensive mobile phone connection is not only important in private life, but also a significant economic advantage of a location. The district and Energie Waldeck-Frankenberg want to work together to close the wireless gaps in Hesse's largest district - and are building two new mobile phone masts in Hatzfeld and Haina next year with the support of the state of Hesse.

Improved signal strength, large range
They are intended to strengthen network coverage in the southern district through improved signal strength and the largest possible range and to provide a reliable and fast internet connection. EWF, which was commissioned by the district to build the masts, has already started the concrete planning for the two new masts. Construction work is scheduled to begin in early 2024. Both are to be completed by the end of 2025.

Future-proof infrastructure
"The new mobile phone masts will increase the capacity of the network and further improve wireless communication," emphasises District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst. "In an increasingly networked world, this is playing an ever greater role in private life but also, above all, in business - also to meet the rising demands of data traffic. It is important that our infrastructure keeps pace with this development and that we remain fit for the future here."

The choice of location therefore took into account various factors such as optimal network coverage, appropriate distance from residential areas and a good connection to existing infrastructure. In addition, it was ensured that on both sites, which are already owned by the municipalities, there would be no tree felling or gross interference with nature or that the masts would significantly alter the landscape. In addition, the access road required for construction is already available at both sites.

The mast in the municipality of Hatzfeld will be located above the district of Lindenhof on the south-western border of the district and will provide better data transmission from there. "With the new location, we hope to close another gap in network coverage, especially for data transmission in the Lindenhof/Hof Roda area," says the mayor of Hatzfeld, Dirk Junker. In Haina, the new mast will transmit from Hüttenrode. "This measure is another mosaic stone for strengthening the rural area. The area-wide elimination of radio holes is of great importance," also emphasises Haina's mayor Alexander Köhler. The providers Vodafone and Telekom have already promised to use the masts for the expansion of the mobile network according to the LTE or even 5G standard.

The projects, with a total investment volume of around 740,000 euros, are funded by the State of Hesse with more than 660,000 euros from its mobile phone funding programme. That is 90 per cent of the total costs. The other 10 per cent of the investment will be covered by Energie Waldeck-Frankenberg, which will also be the owner of the two masts after completion of the construction project.

Communication system for the energy industry
The new radio masts will not only improve mobile phone coverage in Waldeck-Frankenberg: EWF will also use the masts to expand its radio network for the energy industry. "The energy industry is currently building its own nationwide radio network. This will enable us to maintain communication for several hours in the event of a crisis. EWF is involved in this mammoth project," explains EWF Managing Director Frank Benz. "The goal is to create fail-safe communication for our own critical infrastructure. That is why radio masts are also of high importance for us as a network operator."

In connection with the project, the regional energy supplier is also planning to expand the radio and directional radio connections so that the relevant data for the operation of the electricity grid, such as measured values, faults or grid utilisation, can be transmitted even better to the grid control centre. An increase in mobile radio coverage also has advantages for the accessibility of the on-site fault clearance service. "A good connection benefits everyone who is on the ground."


Location & Economic Development Broadband expansion in the district of Energie Waldeck-Frankenberg