JUMP counselling service under new management

What do I want to be when I grow up? How do I make the leap into an apprenticeship, even if my school-leaving certificate is not so good or I don't get one at all? These are precisely the questions many young people ask themselves at a young age. Some, however, have not really found answers to them by the time they graduate from school. This is exactly where the counselling service JUMP - Jugend mit Perspektive (Youth with Perspectives) of DELTA Waldeck-Frankenberg GmbH comes in. Adolescents and young adults aged 12 to 26 receive support in finding these important answers. The already established project was managed for many years by Angelika Goldkamp who handed over this important task to her successor Karin Lehmann.

Angelika Goldkamp has led the JUMP project since 2015. During this time, she not only provided advice and support to many pupils, but also took care of active and passive truants with her team. "It is thanks to Ms Goldkamp that JUMP is recognised in the district. You could say it is her "baby" that she has raised. She is "on fire" for the project and has played a major role in shaping it," said Volker Heß from DELTA Waldeck-Frankenberg GmbH when Mrs Goldkamp said goodbye to her well-deserved retirement.

In addition to counselling young people, Ms Goldkamp has built up a network of different actors, such as the youth service of the district of Waldeck Frankenberg, the job centre, vocational counselling and schools. With this network, the JUMP team is able to help young people who have not found their way into the world of work and to build up a professional perspective together. Today, JUMP is an important component of the Youth Employment Agency.

Ms Goldkamp confidently placed her important task in the hands of her colleague and deputy project manager Karin Lehmann. "With Ms. Lehmann, we have found a successor in project management who has also worked in JUMP for many years and was the deputy project manager. This means we can assume continuity in the work," Volker Heß explained further.


Caption: (from left) Andreas Blaschick (Youth Service), Karin Lehmann and Angelika Goldkamp.