Higher prize money, new rhythm: district awards culture prize

The district of Waldeck-Frankenberg has changed its guidelines for awarding prizes to honour special commitment in the areas of monument protection, culture, nature and social affairs, informs District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst. "We wanted to emphasise the special nature of the award more strongly and have therefore doubled the prize money" - from the previous 2,500 euros to 5,000 euros for the main prizes and from 500 euros to 1,000 euros for the youth prizes, which are awarded in the categories of culture and nature. The adjustment of the award rhythm also aims at a higher value: In each category, deserving committed persons could now only become award winners every four years and thus less frequently than previously every second year.

"We want to start in 2023 with the Culture Prize and the Youth Culture Prize, and I would be pleased if we received numerous proposals from the entire district," the district administrator continued. Individuals, groups of persons, clubs and associations are called upon to nominate suitable candidates by 31 May of this year. Self-nominations are also possible.

Nominations may be made by persons or groups of persons who are exceptionally committed to cultural activities in the district or with a direct connection to the district. The nomination should be accompanied by documents expressing the special, exemplary commitment to be honoured, e.g. photos, offprints or press reports.

Proposals for potential award winners are accepted at Landkreis Waldeck-Frankenberg, Fachdienst 2.3, Attn Ms Frömel, Südring 2, 34497 Korbach or by e-mail at petra.froemel@lkwafkb.de. A list of previous award winners can also be requested from this e-mail address or by telephone at 05631 954-337. A list of previous award winners can also be requested at this e-mail address or by telephone on 05631 954-337, and enquiries about the Culture Award will be answered.


Culture Cultural Promotion Department Public Relations, Culture, Sponsorship and Partnerships