Long Covid: New support group meets online on 27 February

A self-help group for people affected by Long Covid Syndrome/ Post Covid Syndrome is now being founded in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district. The group will initially meet online, for the first time on 27 February 2023 from 3 - 4 pm. The meeting is organised and moderated by the self-help contact point of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district. Interested parties are cordially invited to attend. If the group members wish, later meetings can also take place in presence.

Survived a Covid 19 disease and still not healthy? Those affected by the so-called post-Covid or long-Covid syndrome complain of considerable and persistent complaints such as lung function disorders, exhaustion, loss of the sense of smell and taste or neurological complaints. In the new self-help group, they now meet with mutual understanding, can talk to each other and together find a way to deal with the burden.

The subject of the first online meeting on 27 February will be mainly details about the new group, including the decision whether further meetings should take place in presence. Registrations are accepted until 26 February at the self-help contact point of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district by telephone at 05631 954-888 or by email at shk@lkwafkb.de. The access link to the discussion group will be emailed to those interested. Further information on the new self-help group is also available at the self-help contact point.


Self-help Financial support for self-help groups