Orange Day: The district and the district craftsmen's association set an example

Breaking the silence and achieving more together: The district of Waldeck-Frankenberg and the district craftsmen's association are jointly participating in the campaigns for the International Day against Violence against Women - and on Orange Day on 25 November they will place a bench with the inscription "No place for violence" in front of the Korbach district hall as a sign of solidarity. The aim is to draw the public's attention to the issue and to raise awareness.

"Shocking figures"
According to a study by UN Women Deutschland e.V., the German committee of the independent and non-profit EU-wide non-governmental organisation, every 45 minutes a woman in Germany is dangerously physically injured by her partner; every third day this ends fatally. Every third woman is affected by physical or sexualised violence at least once in her life. "These are frightening figures that we must resolutely confront," says District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst. "That is why we are participating again this year with an action on the International Day against Violence against Women," says First District Commissioner Karl-Friedrich Frese.

The district craftsmen's association agrees: "When the district approached us with the request to create the bench, we were pleased to be part of this project. The apprentice Sina Nadine Joost and the retrainees Nina Wolf and Denis Krume from the carpentry workshop, under the guidance of the training supervisors Thomas Schreiber and Dirk Bönisch, have created a bench that will clearly draw attention to the topic," says Maria Djambazov, department head of the Berufsförderungswerk des Handwerks, educational institution of the Kreishandwerkerschaft in Korbach.

Breaking silence
Violence against women is often trivialised or ignored. As a result, those affected do not talk about what they have experienced out of shame and fear. Here it is important to break the silence - and to talk about the issue and raise it in society. Especially in the current situation, where war, the energy crisis and the Corona pandemic are pushing many other issues into the background, the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg, on the initiative of its women's office, wants to set an unmistakable example together with the vocational training centre of the district crafts association. At the vocational training centre of the district craftsmen's association, participants in a practical training course led by trainer Thomas Schreiber have therefore built an orange bench with the inscription "No place for violence", which will be placed in front of the district hall on Orange Day.

Solidarity also with women in Iran
"We want to mobilise people, raise awareness of this issue and take action to prevent and end violence against women - not just once a year on the Day of Action, but 365 days a year," says the district's women's representative Beate Friedrich. Especially in the current situation in Iran, where women are legally and socially discriminated against and equal rights are prevented, it is all the more important to take action under the claim "Woman. Life. Freedom" to draw attention to the issue. "Not only in Germany, but internationally.

UN Women Germany is the national committee in Germany and thus one of twelve committees worldwide. The National Committees of UN Women are independent and non-profit non-governmental organisations that were founded to achieve greater political and financial support for UN Women. They support UN Women through fundraising, advocacy and campaigning. The aim is to strengthen the commitment and support of governments and the private sector - including individuals, corporations and foundations - to the promotion of women's rights and gender equality.


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