Opinion forming on the net: online lecture on 31 March
The internet is a daily companion for most people these days. Not only individual exchange, but also the acquisition of information play an increasingly important role. Seemingly all information can be accessed within a few clicks from almost anywhere in the world. Thus, the internet also has a great influence on the way we form our opinions. However, this brings with it some questions and problems that will be discussed in a lecture on 31 March 2021.
When logarithms that analyse our surfing behaviour on the internet with our preferences then in turn suggest interlocutors or information that match our own opinion, then the questions arise: (How) can opinion formation on the internet be successful nowadays when the diversity of opinion is partially undermined? Or rather: What has to be taken into account? How can one check whether the information is so-called fake news?
These questions, but also opportunities and phenomena of the digital transformation will be addressed in the one-hour lecture. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to ask individual questions. The aim of the event is to raise awareness of the difficulties that arise and to promote a critical approach to the internet. A reflective and critical approach to the internet and social media is the basis for empowered citizens to form their own opinions.
Julian Kasten, media educator M.A., Medienblau Kassel, could be won as a speaker. He has been professionally involved with this topic for several years in various contexts. The lecture will take place online on 31 March from 7 to 8.30 p.m. and is free of charge for participants. Registration is accepted by the Werra-Meißner district's office for the promotion of democracy and prevention of extremism, Daniel Schindewolf, e-mail daniel.schindewolf@werra-meissner-kreis.de, tel. 05651 3021454. Further information on the lecture is also available there. The lecture is part of the series of events "Democracy Talks in North Hesse", which is jointly organised by the four North Hessian offices for the promotion of democracy and prevention of extremism from the districts of Kassel, Werra-Meissner, Schwalm-Eder and Waldeck-Frankenberg.