District and savings banks provide Luca key rings

For some time now, falling incidence figures have made it possible to hold events again, much to the delight of organisers and visitors alike. However, it is still necessary to record contact details so that contact can be traced quickly in the event of an emergency. The registration system "Luca" offers the easiest way to register. Those who do not have a smartphone and can download the Luca APP now still have the option of registering via QR code: The district and savings banks, which have provided the funding, provide a Luca key fob.

As District Administrator Dr Reinhard Kubat explains, 5,000 of these key rings were produced and distributed to the municipalities. There, i.e. at the towns and municipalities, the tags can be picked up by interested citizens, adds First District Councillor and Head of Health Karl-Friedrich Frese. "The Sparkassen Waldeck-Frankenberg and Battenberg see themselves as partners of the people in the district and not only in financial matters," emphasise Sparkasse board members Gert Gläser from Sparkasse Battenberg and Michael Bott and Jürgen Trumpp from Sparkasse Waldeck-Frankenberg. That is why they were happy to help finance the Luca App.

To activate Luca, all that is needed is a computer through which the tag is registered once. Afterwards, it can be used at all event organisers who work with Luca, but also in shops and restaurants. This eliminates the need for handwritten contact slips. The district and the savings banks hope that the Luca key fobs will be widely used.