Civic Engagement Project Forge: Winners have been selected

In autumn, the Coordination Centre for Civic Engagement in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district, which is affiliated with the Village and Regional Development Department, announced a competition for volunteers. Associations could apply with special activities and win an image video for their own public relations work. The response was great; accordingly, it was difficult for the jury to pick out from the many exciting and imitable actions those that had something very special. Now, however, the winners have been determined, and the following can be happy about the association's video:

  • Aktion für behinderte Menschen Waldeck-Frankenberg e.V. > "Inclusive Hiking Day" campaign
  • Förderverein der Dorfgemeinschaft Röddenau e.V. > Action "R11 Dorfcafé/ Dorfkneipe" (Village Café/ Village Pub)
  • Korbach Volunteer Fire Brigade > "From couch potato to team player" campaign
  • Pro Mater Sano e.V. > Action "Help for mothers with cancer and a baby or small child".
  • Sportcoach-Team Diemelstadt > Action "Moving Scavenger Hunt Rally through Diemelstadt

The jury awarded two special prizes to associations that raised their activities to a digital level during the difficult Corona times in order to still reach people during the contact restrictions and de facto cessation of association operations. The mixed choir "Knapp Daneben" Korbach e. V. receives the special prize for its musical devotions with a recorded virtual choir - supported by only a handful of live singers* - in senior citizens' facilities during the lockdown at the end of 2020. The club app of SV 1923 Rennertehausen e.V. made this the second winner of a special prize. Both clubs can also look forward to an image video.

The videos are now being produced by the Coordination Centre for Civic Engagement, and an official handover is planned for January 2022. The district thanks all the associations that participated for their special voluntary commitment and congratulates the winners.