County hires thousands of new female employees
They should be nimble and industrious and they fulfil this requirement profile to the fullest satisfaction - the countless new female employees of the district have settled in well. Since the end of May, three bee colonies have been enriching the fauna around the Korbach district office and exploring the immediate surroundings with a great passion for collecting. Under the care of District Administrator Dr Kubat, who is himself a beekeeper, and seven employees with bee experience, the first District House honey has already been extracted.
"Thanks to its location on the edge of the centre of Korbach, almost directly in the fields, our administrative building offers ideal conditions for keeping bees," explains the district administrator. When he put his idea of such "district house bees" to the public in the spring, it immediately met with great interest among his staff. In the end, three ladies and four gentlemen with experience in keeping bees came together and he was able to put his idea into practice.
"We are happy to help with our three colonies to do something about the alarming decline in the insect population," says Dr Kubat. After all, bees perform an important function in the pollination of crops - indispensable for a functioning ecosystem. And the "district house honey" as a pleasant end product of the industrious collecting activity is also intended to serve a nature conservation purpose. Any proceeds from the honey - after deducting the expenses of the beekeepers - will be donated to nature conservation organisations.