Animal disease control
Animal disease control
To reduce the spread of diseases in the animal world, the district takes care of preventive and sustainable animal disease control. This includes, among other things, issuing certificates of origin and health certificates, monitoring livestock farms at risk of disease, and assessing sick, fallen and killed animals. It also includes the supervision of farms and facilities, expert examinations, zoonosis control, vaccinations and the disposal of animal carcasses.
Avian flu
Avian influenza is an infection with influenza viruses that can affect all poultry species. Healthy animals can become infected through contact with sick animals or their excreta.
Bluetongue disease
Bluetongue is a viral infectious disease that mainly affects ruminants such as sheep, cattle, goats and wild ruminants. It is caused by the bluetongue virus (BTV).
African swine fever
African swine fever, or ASF for short, is a severe, highly contagious animal disease. Transmission of the highly resistant virus is possible through direct contact between infected and healthy pigs.
Foot and mouth disease
Foot-and-mouth disease is a highly contagious disease and is particularly infectious and pathogenic for cloven-hoofed animals such as cattle and pigs, sheep and goats as well as corresponding wild animals.