Information Technology and Digital Administration
Information Technology & Digital Administration
The district's information technology and digital administration service is responsible for a complex and highly available wired network at numerous locations in the district. It plans, procures and implements all necessary hardware and software equipment and the required network and server technology within the 22 locations of the district administration and the 68 locations of the district schools.
In addition, the department coordinates the digitisation of the district administration, taking into account the Online Access Act and the eGovernment Act. The introduction of the electronic invoice workflow (RWF), the electronic file management (eFile) and the conversion from paper to online application procedures are just three examples among many other sub-projects currently underway.
The inter-communal project "Broadband Expansion North Hesse", which is being realised for and with all 22 towns and communities in the district, is managed by the Information Technology and Digital Administration department. The topic of mobile telephony in Waldeck-Frankenberg is also managed by this department.

Digitisation of schools
Digitisation is an important building block in the education of children and young people. Therefore, the district is constantly pushing it forward with a cross-departmental team to enable digitally supported learning and teaching for pupils and teachers.
Broadband expansion in the district
The broadband expansion in Waldeck-Frankenberg has been completed: Breitband Nordhessen GmbH has supplied 113 districts with fibre optic cables up to the Telekom cable junctions, and a good 27,000 households and 4,200 commercial enterprises can benefit from this.
Nationwide Digital Day
True to the motto #digitalmiteinander, the district and many organisations from Waldeck-Frankenberg join forces for the annual Digitaltag to offer a multifaceted programme. The goal: to make digitisation a tangible experience.