Waste ABC
Waste ABC
Paint stripper
Paint strippers are chemical compounds that can be used to remove old paints and varnishes. These chemical compounds are classified as hazardous waste due to their hazardous properties.Disposal:
- Hazardous waste small quantity collection spring/autumn
- Acceptance at the pollutant mobile is free of charge for private households / € 7.00 / kg for small businesses
Drain cleaner
Drain cleaner is a cleaning agent for blocked drains. Due to its properties, it must be classified as hazardous waste.Disposal:
- Hazardous waste small quantity collection spring/autumn
- Acceptance at the pollutant mobile is free of charge for private households / € 7.00 / kg for small businesses
Agricultural films / silo films
Agricultural films / silage films are extremely stretchy, tear-resistant films that are mainly used in agriculture, for example for wrapping hay and straw bales.Disposal:
- Earth Return centres
- Private waste disposal companies
Acceptance at the disposal facilities of the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg under the following conditions:
- shredded, packed in 90-120 litre bags
- Max. 1 cbm
- Costs according to the fee schedule
Battery / accumulator
Rechargeable battery, e.g. from mobile phones, cameras, hoovers, etc.Disposal:
- Return in specialised shops
- Free acceptance at the disposal facilities of the district of Waldeck Frankenberg
- ATTENTION!!! No acceptance of e-bike batteries at the disposal facilities!!! Return to specialised dealers or for dealers return to various battery return systems.
Old files
File folders: paper, cardboard, foldersDisposal:
- Waste paper bins, container services, private disposal companies
- Destruction of old files
Acceptance at the disposal facilities of the district of Waldeck Frankenberg:
- Folders including foils are considered residual waste (see fee schedule)
- ATTENTION: no destruction of old files!
Waste paper
see cardboard / paperboard / paper
Alvitra film
Rubberised flat roof waterproofingDisposal:
- Residual waste bins, container services, private waste disposal companies
Acceptance at the disposal facilities of the district of Waldeck Frankenberg:
- Dimensions max. 1.50m x 1m, counts as residual waste (see fee regulations)
- Hazardous waste small quantity collection spring/autumn
- Acceptance at the pollutant mobile is free of charge for private households / € 7.00 / kg for small businesses
All-purpose adhesive
Solvent-based wet adhesive that is suitable for a large number of different materials. Due to its properties, it must be declared as hazardous waste.Disposal:
- Hazardous waste small quantity collection spring/autumn
- Acceptance at the pollutant mobile is free of charge for private households / € 7.00 / kg for small businesses
All-purpose cleaner
Consumable material for cleaning various objects. Due to its properties, it must be declared as hazardous waste.Disposal:
- Hazardous waste small quantity collection spring/autumn
- Acceptance at the pollutant mobile is free of charge for private households / € 7.00 / kg for small businesses
Waste glass / glass
Info: Hollow glass (bottles, jars)
Disposal: Used glass containerInfo: Flat glass (window panes, glass blocks, etc.) belongs to mineral waste
Disposal: Container services, private disposal companiesAcceptance at the Geismar or Flechtdorf disposal facilities (see fee regulations) max. 1 cbm
Waste wood
Timber, wooden furniture, beams, roof battens, window frames, laminate, doors, fences, etc.
- AI untreated (e.g. Euro pallets)
- AII - AIII painted/varnished (e.g. furniture)
- AIV treated or impregnated with wood preservatives (e.g. window frames, fences, roof battens, etc.)
In general, wood from indoor areas is categorised as AII-AIII and wood from outdoor areas as AIV.
AI - AIV: Acceptance at the Flechtdorf disposal facility / at the Geismar and Bad Wildungen facilities -> construction site waste (see fee regulations)
ATTENTION: AIV + railway sleepers (see also railway sleepers) -> no acceptance at the disposal facilities! Possible disposal companies Fehr-Knettenbrech in Lohfelden, Franz Peine GmbH in Bad Arolsen
Old clothes
Info: Used clothing collections / residual waste / residual waste bin (black bin)
Disposal: Acceptance at the disposal facilities of the district of Waldeck Frankenberg (see fee regulations)Scrap metal (scrap, scrap iron, scrap metal....)
Free acceptance at all waste disposal facilities in the district of Waldeck Frankenberg
Waste oil
Info: e.g. engine oil, transmission oil or hydraulic oil
Not accepted at waste disposal facilities!
Take-back system in specialist shops (take-back obligation) and/or hand in contaminated or empty containers at the hazardous waste small quantity collection inspring/autumnUsed tyres / tyres
No acceptance at the disposal facilities!
Waste tyre collection twice a year by the Krautwald company (subject to a charge)Aluminium foil / aluminium foil
Yellow bin / Yellow sack
Free acceptance at all waste disposal facilities in the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg
Info: e.g. barbecue lighter, kindling wool etc.
- Hazardous waste small quantity collection spring/autumn
- Acceptance at the pollutant mobile is free of charge for private households / € 7.00 / kg for small businesses
Medicines / medication
- Residual waste bin (black bin)
- Pharmacies
- Hazardous waste small quantity collection spring/autumn
- Acceptance at the pollutant mobile is free of charge for private households / € 7.00 / kg for small businesses
Asbestos is a technical fibre made up of a large number of parallel elementary fibres. As asbestos is hazardous to health and highly carcinogenic, this material is considered hazardous waste that must be monitored and various safety precautions must be taken when handling it. Adequate protective clothing is recommended.
- Private waste disposal companies, container services
Acceptance at all waste disposal facilities in the district of Waldeck Frankenberg:
- max. 1 tonne (approx. area of 40-45m³)
Acceptance criteria:
Packed in authorised flat bags or big bags (see fee schedule)
The big bags/flat bags must be sealed. Acceptance will be refused if they are not properly packed!
Big bags and flat bags available at the disposal facilities (€10 / item)Ash
- Container services, private disposal companies, small quantities via the residual waste bin
Small quantities from fireplace, barbecue, etc.:
- Delivery possible at all disposal facilities (see fee schedule)
ATTENTION: The ash must be completely cooled down in both cases.
Large quantities:
- Delivery exclusively to the Flechtdorf landfill
- Acceptance criteria: Analysis according to DepV DK I Classification criteria / Characterisation
- Otherwise container services or landfills according to DepV II or DepV III
- Container services, private disposal companies or landfills in accordance with DepV II or DepV III
- Delivery exclusively to the Flechtdorf landfill
- Acceptance criteria: Analysis according to DepV DK I, classification criteria and additional parameters must be met.
Car batteries
Take-back obligation in specialised shops or free of charge at the disposal facilities of the district (please note: no deposit payment at the facilities)
- Hazardous waste small quantity collection spring/autumn
- Acceptance at the pollutant mobile is free of charge for private households / € 7.00 / kg for small businesses
Car rims (without tyres)
Free acceptance at all disposal facilities in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district (scrap metal) or in specialised shops
Car care products
- Hazardous waste small quantity collection spring/autumn
- Acceptance at the pollutant mobile is free of charge for private households / € 7.00 / kg for small businesses
Car windscreens
- Car recycler
Acceptance at all disposal facilities in the district of Waldeck Frankenberg:
mixed municipal waste (see fee regulations)Car parts / Car wrecks
e.g. car doors, rear skirts etc.Disposal:
- Car recycler
- No acceptance at the disposal facilities of the district of Waldeck Frankenberg
Oven cleaner
- Hazardous waste small quantity collection spring/autumn
- Acceptance at the pollutant mobile is free of charge for private households / € 7.00 / kg for small businesses