Hesse Campus Waldeck-Frankenberg
Hesse Campus Waldeck-Frankenberg
In the Waldeck-Frankenberg district, you can continue your education and develop your skills throughout your life. As a developmentally open association of education providers in the region, the HESSENCAMPUS Waldeck-Frankenberg offers numerous opportunities for everyone.
It bundles the work of committed actors around education and further education for adults. This includes general and vocational education, catching up on school-leaving qualifications, expanding knowledge and skills for shaping one's own life - for social, cultural and political participation. Hessencampi work in 21 towns and districts throughout the state and are oriented towards regional needs and specific framework conditions. The district offers a wide range of educational opportunities: basic school education, continuing vocational education or dual studies. Being a service provider and actor within a changing educational landscape describes the task of HESSENCAMPUS Waldeck-Frankenberg. Its educational offers are geared to the needs of committed actors from institutions, associations and initiatives in rural areas. All offers are free of charge.
Educational & ProfilPASS counselling
The educational counselling advises on professional issues, develops a personal continuing education plan, refers to professional counselling centres or educational institutions and prepares a personal skills assessment.
Promotion of further education and school-leaving qualifications
This offer supports people who want to catch up on their general school-leaving certificate or who also want to achieve a higher qualification.
Partner of the HESSENCAMPUS Waldeck-Frankenberg
HESSENCAMPUS Waldeck-Frankenberg is very well networked in the district and works together with numerous partners in the region. Here is an overview.
The HESSENCAMPUS Waldeck-Frankenberg regularly organises lectures, expert days and workshops on topics of regional importance. The target group includes professionals, volunteers, political representatives and interested parties who feel addressed by the respective topic area.