Maternity nurses
Maternity nurses
The maternity nurse cares for mother and child(ren), but above all for the mother's relief in the phase after birth, within the postpartum period and, if necessary, beyond. She "mothers" the mother, so to speak, e.g. by:
- Talking, listening and, if necessary, counselling on all questions mothers may have during the postpartum period.
- Breathing and relaxation exercises, relaxation massages
- Shopping
- Walks with the baby
- Wholefood cooking
- Temporary care for siblings
The maternity nurse does not carry out any medical consultations or actions. Their work is clearly distinguished from the care provided by midwives, but complements it in a meaningful way. The respective needs are coordinated by the maternity nurse individually with the mother. Depending on the needs, they usually support with 1 to 2 appointments per week.